First Line Leadership 1 day Course
Police leadership has evolved overtime, however the lack of effective leadership within the first line supervisors can be destructive for an agency. Almost every major incident with law enforcement can be traced back to the lack of leadership. It doesn’t matter if it is the infamous Rodney King incident or the LAPD Rampart CRASH Unit of to disciplinary issues and citizen complaints at small departments. Supervision is a reactive strategy while true leadership is proactive. Learn who to effectively lead officers in this new and dynamic environment in todays law Enforcement. Officers will discuss and learn the following course objectives.
· Leadership vs Supervision
· Leadership Styles and what works
· Traits of a Good Leader
· Traits of a bad Leader
· Motivation Subordinates
· Ethical Decision-Making Principals
· Crisis Management and making decisions under stress
· Disseminating the message from above
· Dealing with difficult employees
· Communicating expectations to subordinates
The Instructor Sgt Eric Smith is a 21-year veteran of the Charleston Police Department. During his 21-year career Sgt. Smith has received numerous awards and commendations. Prior to being promoted, Sgt Smith worked as a Detective in the Charleston Police Departments Special Enforcement Unit. A detective with the Criminal Investigation Division, during that time Sgt Eric Smith was assigned to investigate Cold Case Homicide case and then as the Intelligence officer for over 7 years in the Charleston Police Departments Criminal Investigation Division. Upon retiring from the Charleston Police Department Eric Smith took on the role of Director of Public Safety where he currently supervises employee’s over two campuses.
The tuition is $150 per student for the One-day class The Class is certified for 8 hrs of Supervisory Service credit. Agencies and or Organizations who wish to host a class will receive a flat rate and or discounted seats. For more information please contact KTS Law Enforcement Training at [email protected] or 304-437-4202.